Zhenghao (Zachery) Huang
Zhenghao is a comprehensive Industrial Designer and design strategist. To him, Industrial Design is an approach to connect physical world to human with functions, aesthetics and tangibility. It is a process of exploring ideas, realization of an idea and the execution of it.​​​
With experience at Harhamn international, he is good at effectively communicating team members, clients, and cross-department teams, including engineers and product managers.
He combines business insights with smart design to create products that connect with customers and drive success, focusing on thoughtful decisions through logical reasoning.

Harman International (Huemen Design studio)
Industrial Design Intern | JBL Profession Team | 05/2024 - 08/2024


ArtCenter College of Design
Master of Science(STEM), Industrial Design

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, University of Liverpool
Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial Design, Dual Degree
Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial Design, Dual Degree
2022 - 2025 Jan
2017 - 2021
My Design Approach
Can employ appropriate research method with empathy, especially to discover important human dynamics
-System Thinking
Can think in a systematic view, understand the context of a product's existance, identify key infomation
-Crirical Thinking
Can investigate and identify key insights, create new value with adequate reasoning that aligns with objective
-Strategic Thinking
Conceive of and proposes innovation as systems that evolve strategically over time based on business context
Can work, communicate, self-reflect, present, interact, manage, organize, decide and learn professionally

Design Award
IDA Design Award 2023 Gold winner
Consumer Electronics-Computer: Laptop
Muse Design Award 2024 Gold Winner
Computer & Information Technology
NY Product Design Award 2024 Silver winner
Wired & Wireless Headphones
NY Product Design Award 2023 Silver winner
Office Supplies & Stationery
European Product Design Award 2022 Winner
Bathroom Fittings/Appliances
European Product Design Award 2022 Winner
Lifestyle and travel/Luxury Goods
IDA Design Award 2023 Honorable Mention
Other Office Furniture Designs
IDA Design Award 2023 Honorable Mention
Office Interior Design Elements
Reddot Concept Award Finalist